What’s the deal with Christian Gomez?

Is he a Rapid, or isn’t he? Is he a part of the future plans on the field or not? What are Gary Smith’s plans for him? Those are all questions that Rapids fans want answers to.
There have been reports of him being traded to New England, Dallas and now DC United, but nothing has surfaced. I talked to him at the end of last season and he said that he’s not happy with not being on the field. If Gary Smith isn’t going to use him, shouldn’t the Rapids try to get some value out of the $400,000 they are spending on him, not to mention the DP slot they used as trade bait? The MLS isn’t a league where you can have dead weight on your roster; especially now with the rosters sizes slimmed down. I’m not saying that I want Christian gone; I think he does have something left, but he has to be in a very specific role. He has to be the playmaker. Is there enough room on the same field for him and Mehdi Ballouchy to be productive? That’s to be seen, but whether he’s going to be a Rapid or not, training camp starts tomorrow; it would be nice if the fans knew who we are going to be cheering for, and if the players knew who they were going to battle with.