Video: Yes to You
This video swarmed through the Catholic blogosphere yesterday but I thought I would share it and add another voice to the choir of how awesome this is.
I have a few friends and acquaintances with same-sex attraction and that also identify themselves as Catholic. We've had those tough discussions where they've expressed that they don't feel like they're welcome in the Church. During those conversations I've struggled searching for the words to try to explain this very subject, that the Church is says no to same-sex marriage but not to you. Father Pontifex does so much more eloquently. I hope that those friends (and anyone else in that situation) find this video helpful, and that any sorrow that has come to them by the perception that the Church hates them would be lifted.
I have a few friends and acquaintances with same-sex attraction and that also identify themselves as Catholic. We've had those tough discussions where they've expressed that they don't feel like they're welcome in the Church. During those conversations I've struggled searching for the words to try to explain this very subject, that the Church is says no to same-sex marriage but not to you. Father Pontifex does so much more eloquently. I hope that those friends (and anyone else in that situation) find this video helpful, and that any sorrow that has come to them by the perception that the Church hates them would be lifted.