USA Soccer's Logo

There's been an interesting discussion going on over on The Shin Guardian regarding the USA's soccer logo. The one now is bad, real bad. I've been talking about that for a while now with friends. The colors are wrong. The use of "US" instead of "USA" is wrong. The clipart looking soccer ball is wrong. It's just bad. So, I decided to come up with some alternative ideas and using my limited graphics knowledge, put some of them together. So here it goes. Version 1: I made minor changes to this, using the correct colors and the correct nomenclature and eliminating the soccer ball. I like it, kinda plain though. Version 2: This version is based on Nike's Don't Tread campaign badge. It has a snake on it which I don't like so I took it off. I also corrected the colors and added "USA Soccer" to it. Version 3: For this I was looking at other USA symbols and came across this and loved it. I added the badge to it and gave it more of the h...